
National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee Meeting Notes

Beltsville, MD

June 9, 2010

Participants: Ed Knipling, Lee Sommers, Peter Bretting, Tim Cupka, Jerry Arkin, AnnMarie Thro, Chet Boruff, Ed Kaleikau, Tom Burr, P.S. Benepal, Peter Tabor, Gary Pederson, Joe Colletti, and Eric Young

  1. Ed Knipling - New Feed the Future joint USDA and State Department initiative on food security
    • Funds will go to State Department, but will fund programs through USDA/NIFA
    • US-AID will fund programs also
    • There will be a research component
    • Should be announced next week

  2. Lee Sommers - Briefed new members on history and purpose of National Germplasm Coordinating Committee

  3. NPGS Update - Peter Bretting (Powerpoint)
    • GRIN Global should be done by early 2011
    • Avocado collection in Miami is being backed up in Hilo, HI, due to disease threat, but has to be at Ft. Detrick two years in quarantine
    • Capital investment strategy study is being started on the 4 plant introduction stations by ARS, these are pilot studies prior to doing the entire ARS infrastructure
    • >250,000 accessions were distributed in 2009, 25% increase from '08
      • 2/3 domestic and 1/3 foreign, 2/3 public and 1/3 private researchers
    • ~ $3 Million new dollars in President's budget for NPGS
    • Germplasm distributed to private firms is free but most companies will pay shipping costs
    • Acquisition is being hampered now by countries that won?t allow collecting, particularly South America and Africa

  4. RPIS and PGOC Update - Gary Pederson (Powerpoint)

  5. AOSCA - Chet Boruff
    • Began in 1919 with 13 states' and Canada's seed certifying agencies came together to coordinate and standardize certification
    • These standards were adopted in Federal Seed Act
      • Programs
      • Trade stewardship
      • Quality audits
      • Carbon credit
      • Native plant certification
    • 2009 14 Million farmers in 25 countries using biotech traits, 13 Million were in developing countries
    • 33 approved traits now, by 2015 will be 124 traits with 50% of new ones coming from China
    • How to handle biotech crops in certification is big challenge now
      • Bimolecular Standards Committee is working on this now
      • Certification is important for tracking IP and royalties

  6. ASTA - Tim Cupka
    • NCCPB - National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders
      • Primary goal is to increase number of traditional plant breeders
      • Working with UC Davis to identify all competencies needed for plant breeders
    • National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee
      • Goal to increase germplasm diversity in breeding programs to make greater gains
      • As PVP's expire diversity of available germplasm will increase

  7. NRSP-6 funding
    • Questions from NRSP-RC
      • Why not charge fees for distribution
      • Is there a different funding model?
      • Why isn't there more characterization of germplasm
    • ARS provides ~ 90% of NPGS funding, LGU system funds some of the 5 plant introduction station plus some in-kind support from host institutions
    • Biggest users are agricultural experiment station scientists
    • Regional stations have strong support, but NRSP-6 always has opposition
    • NPGS policy does not allow fees and even if it did the administrative costs would greatly reduce the value of fees

  8. NIFA - AnnMarie (Powerpoint)
    • CRIS coding for plant breeding will be refined by adding a Field of Science called Breeding
    • GIPB powerpoint and handout
      • Developing an on line assessment and rating tool for plant breeding capacity

  9. NIFA-AFRI - ED (Handout 1 and Handout 2)
    • Climate change area has RFA for CAP in cereal germplasm phenotyping

  10. Impacts
    • Consider a marketing op-ed piece for the ESCOP marketing effort focused on public impact tied back to NPGS
    • Identify one impact from each region were NPGS played a significant role that would resonate with general public

  11. Next Meeting
    • Next meeting will be June, 2011 in Beltsville, Eric will poll group for best date.